Lumbini Province Nepal

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Kapilvastu's headquarter Taulihawa-based Madhes Human Rights Home (MAHURI HOME) was officially founded in 2008 to defend, safeguard, monitor, protect and promote human rights, peace and social harmony in and around Kapilvastu district. This organization is an outcome of collective and collaborative initiation of a dynamic team comprising expertise in the areas of human rights, media, girls and women empowerment, peace education and peace building. The organization, based in Kapilvastu district, is highly committed to the empowerment of the underprivileged, socially excluded and oppressed, indigenous and minority population at the grass roots level. In 2007 a network to monitor and protect human rights of journalists and development activists was founded in the event of violence groups that broke out with the Madhesi movement. The network was successful in releasing captives by different armed. Later, in the aftermath of Kapilvastu communal riot, a need was felt to develop the monitoring network into a human rights organization. Thus Mahuri Home emerged as an organization to defend human rights in and around Kapilvastu district. Forwarding the slogan ahead “Ensure the..

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सामाजिक सञ्जालमा पानी जहाजको कुरा गर्नेलाई साइबर क्राइममा कारबाही गर्नुपर्छ : महेश बस्नेत July 12, 2018

अस्पतालमै हुन्छ लापरवाही, स्वास्थ्यकर्मीको लापरवाहीले शिशुको मृत्यु भएको अाराेप June 6, 2018

दलित परिवारमाथि सामूहिक आक्रमण June 5, 2018

In Media

सामाजिक सञ्जालमा पानी जहाजको कुरा गर्नेलाई साइबर क्राइममा कारबाही गर्नुपर्छ : महेश बस्नेत July 12, 2018

अस्पतालमै हुन्छ लापरवाही, स्वास्थ्यकर्मीको लापरवाहीले शिशुको मृत्यु भएको अाराेप June 6, 2018

Human Rights Protection and Promotion Program for Tearian/Madheshi /Dalit/marginalized groups. February 13, 2018